
A path is like an address that points to a specific node of your global state tree

path: ( string | number )[]
// state: { person: { firstName: 'Steve', lastName: 'Jobs' } }
['person'] // { firstName: 'Steve', lastName: 'Jobs' }
['person', 'firstName'] // Steve
path with arrays in state
// state: { person: emails: ['', ''] }
['person', 'emails', 0] //
['person', 'emails', 1] //

The following hooks can be used to interact with atoms:

  • useStateX(): use this hook when you intend on both reading and writing to the atom. This hook subscribes the component to the atom.
  • useStateXValue(): use this hook when you intend on only reading the atom. This hook subscribes the component to the atom.
  • useStateXValueSetter(): use this hook when you intend on only writing to the atom.
  • useRemoveStateX(): use this hook to remove an atom from the global state.

For rare cases where you need to read an atom value without subscribing to the component, see useStateXGetter().
