
Returns writeable or read-only StateX derived/calculated state at a given path, depending on the options passed to the function.

Selectors represent derived state. You can think of derived state as the output of passing state to a pure function that modifies the given state in some way.

  • options

    • path: A unique json path for this selector. This path should be unique with respect to other atoms and selectors in the entire application. Path can have placeholders (bind variables) e.g. ['employee', ':empId']

    • defaultValue: The initial value of the selector.

    • shouldComponentUpdate?:
      (value: T, oldValue?: T) => boolean;

      Similar to the react class component lifecyle method, if set, will be invoked before triggering a re-render of the component due to a change in the state. Return false to prevent re-rendering of the component subscribed to this atom.

      Returning false will also prevent the below functions updater & onChange from being invoked.

    • get: A function that is passed an object as the first parameter containing the following properties:
      (props: {
      call: StateXActionCaller;
      get: StateXGetter;
      getRef: StateXRefGetter;
      params?: Record<string, Key>;
      remove: StateXRemover;
      set: StateXSetter;
      }) => T | Promise<T>
      • call Can be used to invoke other actions.
      • get All atoms/selectors passed to this function will be implicitly added to a list of dependencies for the selector. If any of the selector's dependencies change, the selector will re-evaluate.
      • getRef Can be used to get a global MutableRefObject.
      • params?: Are the key/value pairs used to evaluate this selector's path with placeholders
      • remove Can be used to remove value at other paths or atoms.
      • set Can be used to set value of other paths/atoms/selectors.
    • set?: If this property is set, the selector will return **writeable** state. A function that is passed an object as the first parameter containing the following properties:
      props: {
      call: StateXActionCaller;
      get: StateXGetter;
      getRef: StateXRefGetter;
      params?: Record<string, Key>;
      remove: StateXRemover;
      set: StateXSetter;
      value: T;
      value: T,
      ) => T;


Asynchronous Demo