
Returns a setter function for updating the value of writeable StateX state.

function useStateXValueSetter<T>(
pathOrAtom: PathOrStateXOrSelector<T>,
options?: Options,
): Dispatch<T>

This is the recommended hook to use when a component intends to write to state without reading it. If a component used the useStateX() hook to get the setter, it would also subscribe to updates and re-render when the atom or selector updated. Using useStateXValueSetter() allows a component to set the value without re-rendering when the value changes.


You can also use useStateXSetter() hook, which returns a setter function. Using the returned setter function, you can access one or more state values dynamically.

function useStateXSetter():
<V>(pathOrAtom: PathOrStateX<V>,
value: SetStateAction<V>,
options?: Options | undefined
) => Readonly<V>
const set = useStateXSetter();
set(['mypath'], 'Some value');
set(atom, 'value');
